My friend who is a casual old school wrestling fan told me that Giant Gonzales is unironically one of his favorite wrestlers. Should've I executed him on the spot?
Anyone else hoping for wearable exosuits in the next game?
Natty x Garreth? Does anybody else ship this? Or just me? I know that the Weasleys are like famously pasty and redheaded, but I feel like this could still work as canon. I just really want it to be haha
🔥Behold the Damascus goat, also known as the Shami, standing in all its majesty.
Sky over Valentine.
What exactly make these hot dogs premium
I tried. 🤠
Valentine's Stranger
If you could buy a house, which house would you want to live in?
This has got to be the best single frame of the series
Why do people hate these outfits?
Ganymede either loves or hates toilet rolls
3 seconds before she tried to jump on the bubbles…
Today, my arms disappeared (xbox no mods)
Should I be concerned?
I’m a mechanic and saw this on a car and my first thought was to jack in
They never called him by just "John". Always FULL name.
Just learned that my character is 20 lmao
🔥 This baby alligator just started doing the death roll...
“idc bout nothin, i don’t clean my house. i’ll ☠️ everyone, i’m a fish named Klaus!!!!”
Lillian Garcia says last night was her final night of full-time ring announcing. Who do they have ready to replace her?
Which Liv Morgan version/era is your favorite
Every register cover at my house because of this asshole.
Happened half year ago, RDO never changes, i tried to be very nice
What does Temu Roman Reigns even do?