For those who schedule sex
Found my Peace and want to get baptized again...
JW "Theocratic Warfare"
The Midweek Meeting part about dating
This fucking cult really did a number on me for my brain development as a child
Do Not Despair Over Norway. Something Far Bigger Is Coming!
Any Ex-JW converts to Christians? Why did you convert?
i overheard a comments by a “brother” on my mom’s zoom and the commentary is getting ridiculous
My PIMI mother-in-law that has shunned us for years wants to meet ournewborn baby (her only grandchild). We want to be the better people but I also want to be petty AF.
High Fiber Low Fat Vegan diet
Has anyone’s cycle suddenly stopped?
Exercise around cycle
How to strengthen lumbar
If you were to make your own denomination…
Did not know my family was “marked “
Meetings are so negative !!
Ad space on Hollywood Squares
JW Dating culture
Just listening to John Williams's soundtracks....
Who remembers when JW's didn't like labeling themselves as Christians?
Any PIMO wives on here subject themselves to the “historic” last two talks of the Elders or Servant KM school? Here is everything I learned
Why did the JDUBS have to question Christmas?
Intermittently getting warm feeling on face. Is this a perimenopause thing? 🙄
in a single sentence, tell us what made you leave/stop believing