Day 1 again. Actually feeling good.
Anyone know if these are safe to eat and what type?
Drop that spotify search history
Is this crack something I should be worried about?
This was fun to do with all of my DJ friends
Suggest me an author who’s worth reading through their entire work.
Wtf is this?
Are we really that bad?
Day 10 Kratom Free
reference pic vs what the barber gave me. is this salvagable?
Let's see them top artist
What is this big guy?
I know it's been said before. But the show is actually good with Mike on it.
guess my type
How is tech hiring in Austin?
Room suggestions for a 24 yo
Is this proper form?
Day 3 of second time quitting this time feels permanent
What are your favorite movies/series based on a Philip K. Dick book?
Recommend me a book based on my recent favorites
One year free
Looking for a creepy survival game
This weed’s root system underlies my entire front yard
This podcast would be so much better without the intros