Suppressing Technology in a Post Apocalyptic World?
Is anyone else done with helping boomers with technology.
How common is it for men lie about their height?
Everyone gets a single Save Point in their life. You have it from birth and get to choose when to place it, but you can only place it once.
Is it worth it?
Everybody on earth just dissapeared, except for you. What's the first thing you're doing?
Bitchen non-magic power
Where's a good spot to set my main base?
What kind of men’s underwear do men prefer?
$10K US a day but you can’t stay in the same city/town/village for more than a day.
What am I doing wrong?
Who did you marry?
People who know a porn star personally, what's that like?
Been wondering this lately, who would win if there's a duel between these two?
How much money would you spend to be 10 years younger?
What would you do if your government mandated a wellness camp for all obese citizens?
Pokemon Go just sold to Scopely
How big should a room be?
You get to visit your 12 year old self to give one piece of advice re: your education
how is over population not a hot topic anymore?? why is ‘declining birth rates’ the narrative now
With 21% of US adults being illiterate, when was the last time you encountered someone that you felt was illiterate?
Miracle Cure or $100M
35 Year Old Button or $100M
What would you do if you were transported to 20,000BC
What is the most overrated mon in your opinion?