Hawaiian Brian’s
After letting it sink in all day… 10/10
Architects - The Sky, The Earth, & In Between [Album Discussion]
Guess not everyone's liking the new Architects album
At what point do you stop listening to a bands new singles before the new album drops?
Black merch
favorite metalcore bands who aren’t around anymore?
Kingdom of Cards - Meaning
Wanting to add an external light to the reverse circuit on my work van
Any hopes/wishes for the new album?
What’s the best cover of all time?
High school wrestling concussion
Josh talks a little Architects with Ola Englund
I want pre pandemic Bad Omens again
I’m in a music rut at the moment and the heavy music scene is feeling pretty stale. What is an album by a lesser known band that’ll help break this funk?
Do I need a higher wattage power inverter?
Question about power inverters
Double C-side
Why doesn’t Adam write?
Got my architects inspired tattoo last week
Who's your current obsession?