Some of the best pictures of pre ww2 Wuppertal that i could find.
This is just spot on
Why "Kaiser"? Just say emperor
It's a word, not a name
Why isn't Google Maps showing any Icons on Firefox?
My sister just told me this tragedeigh.
What's your country's equivalent of the old man with a hat on a Panda going at 30 km/h?
We? Does he think he is German, oh well never mind 🤦
Who is the coolest European Monarch?
Beethovenpark, jetzt
purple - pink sky?! (see comment)
Frohe Weihnachten an unsere Putin Bots bzw. Landesverräter die Russland und die AfD supporten
Plan B
Guess the country
Hirsch(!)gulasch mit Pilzen, Rosenkohl und Knödeln. 5,40€ Uni-Mensa Bonn
Is this a car, bike, or truck license plate?
As the Notre Dame de Paris has been reopened, I wonder, what is your countries best church or cathedral. No Sven, no mosques allowed.
It’s ridiculous