My nieces slide show about anatomy killed me
Easter Egg
Are the Ashley's in Mrs. Grotke's class?
What is your best place for the base?
Died just because I ate raw eggs wtf
How do you like to go out after you've been bit?
Sudden Critical Damage? WTH?
Funny inconsistency
Cooking with beer?
I'm almost 3 months into this run. I need some base improvement ideas. Ever since I completed the second floor I've been stuck on what to do.
Favorite Side Character?
Coming to terms with reality
FINALLY!!!!! 100%!
What’s one thing someone told you or something you learned about the game that’s really good advice?
Ain't no way
How old are you? Are you friendly? What is your favorite ghost skin?
Remove putting corpses in vehicles?
Thoughts on PCO?
200h and this is the most unfair bone
Key's for Sunny Meadows
When all you want is Dirty Water
ghosts bugged?