What was yalls winter recap?
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Guess my number one artist
Who wants to start a blend with me on spotify, I'm trying to see how high if a percentage I can get.
Can this coin be worth more than a dollar?
How much are these worth?
Nothing special, just one thin dime, probably somebody's worry dime.
was finally able to get past this part xP
Custom Wu Tang 5y' bel air
Yall fw it?
Over ink error worth?
Is it worth anything this is the start of my collection
1976 $2 bill question
The Turning Year
Worth anything?
State Quarters
Two new wonderful additions
Some of my cooler coins, I gotta say my favorite is the flying eagle and the mercury dimes I love there designs.
Best quality buffalo nickel ive found
Sorry but I don’t know.
Is this collectible
Got a gift the other day thought I'd share
What’s your favorite part about living in Crestview?
Tell me your dream car