One of my personal favorite X-Couples
Why is Havok and Polaris sometimes lovers, sometimes enemies?
Earn your happy ending
Emma Frost the sexiest Female X-Men Character?
What did you notice on this artwork?
A quick doodle I made
Was there ever any explanation on how he was able to resist her rope here?
Pick something to erase permanently from 616
Do y’all think Magik is right about Peter canonically being more annoying than Miles?
The Maker
Mutants of reddit, What is your mutant power and What are your opinions on the X-men?
What an absolute joke
Just a reminder, Captain America hates Nazis and fascists
2012 vs now
Horrible Person × Loved by Fans
The Fantastic Four: Marvel’s First Family
The O5 Ride Again (by Wellnoe on Tumblr)
What did you think of Ultimate Fantastic Four?
Evolution will always be a classic
Are there any particular reasons behind the choice of powers in the Fantastic Four?
Where do you sit in class?
The Bombastic Bag-Man
Who is straight-up evil?