Brain Zaps from tapentadol? Falling sensation / flinching when trying to fall asleep
oh ty ty, the police will laugh in your face hahah you forgot to blur out the “call me” message, as you always say “you asked for it”
what happens if you don’t pay your owed balance?
Tyson throwing threats out now
Can’t believe his changing it to Tyson 😩
Soooo another disorder you have now 🙄🙄
Has anyone had an EP study and ablation with no anesthesia?
Married at First Sight S12E26 AEDT live episode discussion
Sternum Lump
People who have tapered or quite heroin or dope on they own?
Limit Tiers
How stupid is it to take stimulant?
Married at First Sight S12E25 AEDT live discussion
For your sake I hope this is true! Get off social media and get some help!
Twitching on the face
Suspected peripheral neuropathy.. First symptoms?
Shipping to Australia?
Sarah falls
I keep getting 5 minute voice chat bans
Stress of having a child with asthma
My daughter is in hospital because of an asthma attack!
How’s the introduction on his insta you forgot pedo/ kiddy fiddler