Only two left..
I designed Lego Shrek minifigures....
“I hate how James Gunn destroyed Drax by turning him, a serious character, into a comedic one!” Drax being transformed in Space Hulk by his own creator and eating a infinity stone:
What are the odds of them talking About the Possibility of a Teen Titans Season 6 during Comic con Revolution 2025?
What movies do you refuse to believe are directed by the same person?
Heath Ledger Was My Favorite Joker
Who is yours?
Ideal New Teen Titans Roster
Lego DC discontinued?
They're definitely running out of ideas... but I'm definitely still gonna watch it
Khary Payton (Voice Actor of Cyborg) on “Things Change” and Teen Titans cancellation
2012 design sucks
Sooo.....wheres marvin?
Y’all sleeping on the ketchup n mustard suit
Me when Robert Kirkman says Omniman would beat Superman
Schaff’s Musical Tier List.
Donkey Kong Trilogy for the Playstation 2
Disney Animation had it good during the first half of the 2010s
Green Arrow stories when the writer can’t come up with something new
I’m sorry, what?
I’m happy to see that he wasn’t forgotten.
Seriously what the hell was wrong with the sandy cheeks movie?
This makes me angry in ways I can’t even begin to describe.
The most handsome mutant
Breaking News: bruh ignores key points of show to compare Invincible to complaints about a Superman movie
Why isnt invincible saving lives, why is he so reckless, why is he not taking conquest to space?