Became atheist after antipsychotics
March 22nd Good News
Tell me something I don’t know
Kanye was the bully
the stigma is real
Have your personalities changed since schizophrenia?
My intro to this page
More people should clue up to schizophrenia not being real
Homophobia proves that most humans are purely evil
My painting of the Very Hungry Caterpillar
Does anyone suffer from alcoholism?
Reasons you were told you were The Chosen One
Why Do A Lot of Schizophrenic Artists Portray Themselves As Shadow People?
~Nietzsche ✍️
What is the narrative behind your schizophrenia?
March 17th Good News
Could Ubermensch believe in God?
The US is an absolute shitshow right now... Wait a minute, I'm European!
Ye West reunites with old friend of the stream
And why?
At the psychward actually discovering the Carti album for the first time and i want to say thanks you Carti for this masterpiece
Are there any philosophers that genuinely believe in the more extreme philosopical ideas such as solipsism, ontological nihilism, Boltzmann brain, simulation hypothesis etc, or are these merely speculations?
Will philosophy be never-ending
What are some examples of real people who would embody Nietzsche’s Übermensch?