Can court mandate rehab?
ADHD and marriage
Multiple dog households: please share your best tips & tricks for keeping the home clean(ish?)
Do you ever regret selling something?
Curious as to why my dog follows me and not my husband.
How do you feel about free gifts included with purchases?
Emergency plan with cats
Has anyone here experienced having more than one soul dog?
How are people affording everything right now?
I am lost
Buyer asking for picture of license?
Informal poll for everyone
Air traffic controllers & mental health
I’d rather just keep it, thanks 🙄
[UPDATE] I am so disturbed lmaoo
Cat hair everywhere, constantly stuck to "clean" clothes
why do dog owners make out with their dogs?
The people I work with said that Meow Mix is horrible to feed your cats....
What very basic human thing have you never experienced?
Do you mix your face towels, and other towels when you do your laundry?
Can you ever love a dog as much as your first soul dog?
Your photos, or stock photos?
Accidentally bought curtains same color as couch 😩
What’s something you’ll never take seriously?
I hate how he makes me feel.