Help finding faucet for claw foot tub!
Ideas for this space?
[CHAT] Those who quit the hobby (or any other hobby) how did you get rid of all your stash?
[PIC] finally did inventory of my threads!
[FO] First Blackwork Finished and Framed
[CHAT] Ideas for modernizing an older design?
[WIP] How screwed am I with the pencil grid on this? 😬
[FO] Photos from Handmade Expo 2025 (Spring edition). Kyiv, Ukraine. Part 5.
[SHOP] Looking for "cute" Orc cross stitch pattern, any advice?
[FO] wedding gift for my sister ♥️
[FO] Dandelions from Cute Patterns By Maria
[CHAT] How to draw my own wash-out pattern?
Radiation art?
[CHAT] Gifted kit ideas for coworker?
[CHAT] Your favorite Home Sweet Home pattern?
[WIP] The Great Kit Repurposing
[MOD] Congrats to this Month’s Competition Winners!
[CHAT] Which color Aida should I go with?
What is this on my tile, and how do I remove it?
[FO] Guess the musicals I saw in January!
[WIP] Tea spill *sobs*
[MOD] January’s Monthly Competition: Submit and vote here! Theme: Fewer Than 5 Colors Prizes This Month!
Question: How to combine several colours?
[FO] "What if I really was someone else, far away on the other-side of a television screen?"
[PIC] found this piece in my grandpa's house