Best Color Yall?
what is the longest play time you have on any game on steam?
Curious about the ending.
What aspect should I use and why?
What’s the hardest achievement?
Most played game on steam, how many hours, and why?
What is this?
ในนี้มีใครดู Breaking Bad บ้างครับ
How do you deal with being alone?
I'm starting P3R, any advice?
I owe you 10 T1 bundles
อากาศร้อน vs อากาศหนาว
If silksong ever comes out, I will kill everyone that comments on this post
What is helping you get through tough day?
Based on looks only, Who is most attractive to you?
What's your personal favorite punpun arc and why?
Your favorite sees member?
I wish Minecraft was on Steam for the achievements alone, I think that'd be cool. (Not real picture duh)
Hornet’s egg cooking fiasco
Stardew Valley Takes Third Place! Top Upvoted Comment will be the Fourth Game Tomorrow!
Who's your favorite character from all the seasons (in both Original and Nocturne) and why?
Which is your favourite song? Counting the dlc!
What hobbies do y'all have?
เพื่อน ๆเล่นเกมกันไรอยู่ช่วงนี้ อยากหาเพื่อนเล่นเกมด้วยกันคร้าบ