Fort George
Justin Trudeau’s first selfie as a retired man
What ive been on to lately
Reichenstein Monastery
Good evening Family
Not a worthy adversary
Manor Lords Preview: Stone Castles, Devil’s Hill, and Progression Overhaul
Having fun on video meetings today.
Style trends for 2025
I can't get over this car
The seafood display at North Ave Hannaford yesterday
Venus Callipyge meaning “Venus of the beautiful buttocks”. 1st or 2nd century BC. National Archaeological Museum of Naples [2736x3648]
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening” -Artificial Intelligence
I've seen a lot of spinals, Dude, and this guys a fake. A fucking gold bricker.
How's the smut business Sabrina?
'How to host your own Short n’ Sweet listening party' - Tiktok August 2022
After playing over 200 hours here's my ideas/criticism
Weihenstephaner always on top.
If you're not into the whole brevity thing
Had Sierra Nevada ever made a bad beer?
Listened to Northern Lights - Southern Cross for the first time
Elon posts are hereby forbidden, man.
What cities or areas had great potential at one point but are now largely forgotten/overshadowed?
On Google Street View, this car is standing right in front of the house where Walter smashed the red Corvette. Has this ever occurred to any of you Sirs?
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
I'm in a cover band that does a lot of Band tunes. This is our "Don't Do It" from last summer in NY, not too far from Big Pink..