Astruc! This is not One Piece! STOP!!
Mario Kart Live
Draw Patrick a face
Describe your favorite character as badly as you can and let others people guess it
Best Combo/Build in 150cc
Screw zodiac signs, what's your favourite emoji?
Woody Woods π³
Do you prefer 150 cc or 200 cc
Alright, Let's Rank Mario Enemy's. First The Goomba
The Shortcat Plot Amour!
Guess the country (wrong answers only)
Who is your favorite female character to play as?
My name is Coo
My day 1 Nintendo Switch finally gave up
Give me a random episode to watch. Go.
Tell me your main in mk8dx and I'll say something I like about them
Mmmm, Mlady, I don't think we're in the right Paris.
Frame perfect
Tried something a bit different. What do you think?
No way he can get up heβ
Literally the middle finger
Write "Mario is" and let autocorrect finish the rest.
How many of these shows did yall grow up watching