Battlefield 6 will probably be delayed...
This gameplay is really good , despite not seeing much , but regarding the RPG , IMO it looked kinda ''recoiless'' , it's an RPG , you have to feel the punch of the gun.
Are you a true Battlefield fan? Me – I have been waiting in the queue for over 3 hours.
Please , help , I am getting excited about these ''playtests'' that are going to be revealed tomorrow . Help me with some facts to reduce my expectations
Pre-alpha gameplay tomorrow?
Finally new information? ( on the last one we got a concept art)
Why do I find that comment under every bf4 appreciation post?
I would rather choose this style of cosmetics than poney skins.
Would you like to see the squad calls mechanics from BFV?
New information about the new Battlefield on 4th February?
Prepare for this type of videos
Do you think it would be cool to see different vehicles on the next Battlefield game?
I paid $3 for Battlefield 2042... and I regretted it
Please, wich collor do I use , it's a cruel decision to take😭😭😭(all tech part is right)
Help me with this cruel decision , wich collor do I use 😭😭😭😭(all tech part is right but this part.... so hard😭)
Please, wich collor do I choose😭😭😭😭 (I can't decide they are both beutiful)(obs 2 . All about the technical part is right , it is only this decision that I can't do)