Jason Isaacs shared some words
What does this ratio usually look like for you?
First movie you can remember watching with a heavy theme
Evgenia Medvedeva is the sacrifice
The first week of the month is over, what have you been watching?
It's Friday!! Drop Your last four watched
Happy Friday. What’s everyone been watching?
If TV series were on Letterboxd, what do you think would be their average ratings and what would you give them yourself?
Let’s see your 4.5-5 stars
Letterboxd Oscars: Results
Slow start to the year
Most boring movie you've watched recently?
It’s fridayyyy! Post your last 4
Who's coming to save you?
Tate McRae announces Siren Sounds has been added as a bonus track to So Close To What with new cover
What's objectively your worst movie opinion? (Doesn't have to be a review)
How did you rank these?
Chaeyeon KIM (KOR) | Women Short Program | Four Continents
Who in my family has the best favorite movie ?
Lucky Stars - Emerson Azarian
What are some movies you really wanted to love but just couldn’t?
Can anyone explain this to me?
Official Top 250: how many did you watch + how many do you have in watchlist + how many did you rate 5 stars
What's your opinion on this?
Letterboxd for books?