me trying to find more than 3 jokes in this fandom
eVIL wiZARd PutS hEx ON hIS BEst frienD
Editorial choice is a funny thing indeed
giRl rEpEaTEDly cREaMPIed bY a FUrRy on nationAL Tv
Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 16, 2025
Big secret
Yall ever just feel the need to apologize out of character for roleplaying npcs like this? I might be a little soft when it comes to this, but still
Why do so many 2010s and 2020s flag redesign ideas look so corporate?'s language selection screen is absolute gold
I had just a random dream that the youtuber jonny razer was trans-masc I have no fucking clue.
VtM is just an NPC book
The duality of Mann
more joker good
As long as there have been vampires, people wanted to kill them.
As long as there have been vampires, people wanted to kill them. (Vampires are always one era behind on fashion btw)
Couldn't think of a fifth panel but you can tell people failed high school English
PsYcHo lOcKs bIrD In tOrTuRe dEvIcE AnD FoRcEs iT To sWaLlOw cYaNiDe pIlL
What's everyone's preferred mock theory test service?
Life is cruel sometimes.
"Broken tool, I am your father."
Team Fortress 3 leak
Begging for donations and a bonus "cartoon"
"Yes Pilot, I asure you, the reactor will only explodes when the plot demands"
COMMISSION: The Monster Within, for thelunchking78!
Is this something?
Binty real name confrimed!