Added Astrobot, who’s next?
I’m so broke
What’s an anime you didn’t expect to like but ended up loving?
So meme.. now Do what it says.
Who should I add next?
New sub for mobile and Chromebook version players
You put “playersm” in the description
To mobile players:
All my favorite NPCs/2 years playing on the same mobile map
Rookie Championship
Spicy metal
Mobile players unite!
Our goat
What side are the Chromebook users part of in this war?
My first time seeing a god pack! (In wonder pick or picking a pack myself)
Temu modern family
A fast way to find pi to 6 decimal places
Which one of the big 3 would you say is the best?
Animation peaked here🔥
This definitely gonna be a hot take but with the conclusion of cour 1, I can safely say the anime did a decent-good job adapting the manga and even surpassed it on a rare occasion
Smartest man in the universe
Who makes you go like this
do it!
Average mobile user experience
Mobile players in the future: