What is a Toaru ship that everyone universally agrees is terrible ?
What episodes do you think Death Battle themselves genuinely hate?
Has DEATH BATTLE ever convinced you to try out the media a combatant comes from?
Ssbe vs kelfa lssj2 is not that close (anime)
The Last of Us is depressing, Uncharted is uplifting
The Z-Fighters doing almost no damage to Broly is always odd to me.
‘Dragon Ball Z’ Remake Is Possible, Says Series Character Designer
What game is this?
Black Frieza vs SSJB Gogeta - who wins?
So.... Is she ever gonna do anything?
Bad victim characters. AKA: "Sure, they're tragic, but nothing can excuse their actions." [Bonus points if they just repeat the abuse that they were victims of]
Favorite Electric Character?
Lone Wolf and Cub duos. Bonus points if they're together the entire story.
My 3 year old completed Space Run in Astro’s Playroom!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Area Championship 2024 Saitama - 3rd Place - Ice Barrier
Characters who knows they won’t ever be forgiven for their past actions but still tries to do the right thing
Powers scaling bad.
Was Kessler stupid or something?
When the horrible parental figure suffers the consequences of his actions at the hands of his own children
[Hated Trope] They’re not the good guy. They’ve never been the good guy. The creator(s) specifically *tell* you they’re not the good guy. Yet there’s a large number of fans who seem to believe that they’re the good guy.
What's the purpose of magic side?
They're both bad,but one is clearly the lesser of the two evils.
What Cartoon Are You Still Bitter It Got Cancelled?
Thoughts on Crash Nitro Kart?
Characters using their powers in creative ways they aren't "supposed" to be used