“If you have 10,000 people at a concert and 8,000 of them are holding a phone, there's something deeply disconnected” Tobias Forge on why Ghost's 2025 tour will ban phones
“If you have 10,000 people at a concert and 8,000 of them are holding a phone, there's something deeply disconnected”
The real MVP of the Day though
Nee joh. Waarom heeft niemand mij dit ooit verteld!
"The Fly Over" - the world's first and last fully underwater water slide at Duinrell Amusement Park in the Netherlands, constructed in 1994 and ceasing operation in 2003. During the duration of the slide, riders were completely submerged in water.
P2 For Max Verstappen!!!
Wat bakken onze zuiderburen?!
Bestellen jullie nog bij Dominos / New york pizza?
Eh nee
Zak Brown on Yuki Tsunoda (via ESPNF1 on Instagram)
Into Q3
[@visacashapprb] What Laurent said.
This will be me later today
Poe Poe or No Poe?
Found this on my fb memories .
Every. Single. Time.
[George Russell] The T Pose returns
Motie SP om de prijzen van boodschappen te controleren, reguleren en waar nodig te blokkeren is aangenomen.
Welk eten of drinken vind jij echt niet lekker, terwijl de meeste mensen dat wel vinden?
De Nederlandse bevolkings is veranderd
After several rounds of auditions Minerva McGonagall has finally been cast!
Nooit is dit echt?
That friggin hairdo 😂
Melk drinken niet normaal meer
What even is this thing?