What should I do with the ashes of my suicide note?
Can you be abused by a parent who genuinely loves you?
vent art my beloved
Don't you love it when a game makes you feel seen? (Monster Hearts 2)
You ever just think, "damn it really is that bad" about your conditions?
Masturbating to sexual trauma?
That's a good question; why AM i doing this?
DAE have TMJ/Jaw Problem?
hehe hihi wiwiwi
How do you take proper care of your blades? (read the whole post)
Can you easily remember what your face looks like?
I pointed at this place and said "Me too!!" and one of my friends said "Tabby, that's a bad joke" while giggling 😎
I broke something yesterday
When the targeted ads on Instagram don't quite work the way they're supposed to
DAE feel like they’re a kid?
Is it normal for a 10-14yo to be a furry?
London GIC Patient Portal Rollout
Blacklight party + scars = bad
A poem about trauma and how I can't validate it
I am cringe but I am free (vent art)
doing so much better with SH!! but…
Sexual arousal after SH
the one thing they don't tell you about going deeper...
Have you ever "come out" to somebody about your self harm? Who and how did it go?
Nothing feels more validating than seeing blood