Which Xenoblade character is this for you and what’s the reason?
Just finished all 3 games and their expansion
Is there an easy tutorial on the auto-attack cancel for all Blade weapons?
Explain the plot of Kingdom Hearts 1 to me (Wrong Answers)
Something happened and your PIN isn't available
Which character is this for you?
Games telling me I don't have enough VRam
You can only pick 3 characters from each horizontal row, who ya pickin?
Little game haul
How can I beat lorithia
What entire series collections are on Switch (4 games or more)?
whats the saddest moment in any game?
What's the best way to play majoras mask on pc?
Help me decide what to play next
I love my Switch, but is anyone else going to wait until an upgraded switch 2/OLED model is released?
For those who use a switch and also have another way of playing games (wether that be PC, xbox, or playstation), what do you mainly use you switch for?
Nintendo’s lawyers about to make some phone calls…
R1 hits different
What’s the point of having reverse hits?
How do I break out of parry stun? (Both games)
3ds version or original?
Does 2's combat get better?
Finishing both XC:DF & XC2 then onward to XC3
How many of you actually play Switch in Handheld Mode?
Going through the games back to back is a trip