Neden hiç bir korku animesi korkunç değil ve çoğu dandik
How do I beat Diana
Beni geçebilen babayiğit çıkar mı?
Guys we are cooked
But...its not even 3 am bruv
(some) skins are pay-to-win
What should I do when the opponent gets anti heal?
Why don't schools use ubuntu?
New to shen, how should I play ranged matchups?
Best AP tank killer?
Does Shen ult feel weaker?
How do you play against ranged lanes that you are denied the proxy and the jungler is constantly waiting for you
How do you win vs Veigar?
Crimson Prophet Malzahar by A.V. Gwin 🩸
Gathering storm and axiom arcanist viable?
Whats your Favorit Malzahar Matchups?
Is Twitch jungle actually viable?
FF özelliğini niye kullanmamakta bu kadar ısrar ediliyor?
In case you were wondering just how unbelievably weak ADCs are here's a Jhin barely surviving a duel with a Leona support while Jhin is ahead 3 kills, 4 levels, and 185 farm.
day 3 of you picking mods to put in a small modpack
New Morgana Player here
New player and I don't see the point of unlocking the camera 99% of the time
Who’s your second pick?
Bloodletter’s Curse
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