CALIBRE (2018)
Whats the scariest, unnerving psychological movie you’ve watched?
Say one good thing about this game
What moment broke your heart in Squid Game? (Both seasons)
Who does bro work for
Who do YOU want to see win this years MITB?
Describe him in one word
Who had a better career?
What Wrestler’s moveset is your favourite and why?
Imagine if he win the UCL, Ballon D’or before Mbappe and also he breaks Messi’s 91 goals in a calendar year record 💀
Assuming this does become a triple threat at Mania. Who goes over in your opinion? And who do YOU want to see go over.
Stephanie Vaquer
Stephanie Vaquer (NXT Roadblock 3/11/25)
Recently I see posts and comments about Nakamura's abysmal US title reign, but I think this guy's ongoing reign is worse. He didn't do jack sh*t since winning the title. Triple H's midcard scene management, really fu*ing sucks man.
With John Cena’s heel turn being one of the biggest heel turns in history…what’s on your list for biggest FACE turn?
This smile felt like from a proud father to his son, just an awesome scene.
Batista (in his supernatural Levathian gimmick beating Brock in OVW
What wrestler have you just never cared about?
We are NXT
Let's say you have a time machine: which particular moment, match or PPV you would go back in time, and relive inside the arena, on the front row, near the ring? BUT you only have one chance, only can select one moment. Let's hear it :)
Tay Melo
Hangman Page with an insane Angels Wings to MJF
What's a great match with a great story?
type "dutch wants me to ... " and let the autocorrect finish the rest
What faction is worse?
Jackie Redmond gauges reactions to John Cena's heel turn