Does anyone remember Micahs twin brother?
What did your valentine get you?
Anyone else tired of falling off their horse?
Rate my character 1-10
Mikael never misses with his songs
Why did Josh Milton do this???
Y'all rate my character 1-10
I'm the home invader, ask me anything.
I killed Arthur Morgan. Ask me anything
Los Santos needs a hero
How do I kill the Blackwater gorilla?
Does anyone else hate dying to dogs?
Did anyone else cry when frog died?
I hope GTA VI has similar fighting mechanics to RDR2
Hoeseya said the game title
New Mandela Effect does anyone remember Trevor's iconic companion Trorilla?
Zack Snyder’s Adaptation of a beloved Wild West classic
What the FUCK is Francisco wearing?!?
What was your reaction whenever Betsy betrayed Arthur and John?
Guys little help
What's everyones thoughts on the poker mission with Betsy?
What do you think this tastes like?
How do I kill him
Would you slap me for $1,000,000 🥰🥰
This is my Dutch Management fan art, I am 2 years old and I spent 727284848 years on this.