What factors do you think are influencing unaffiliated voters to lean democratic in the mid terms in North Carolina for US House and Senate . Do you rally think we can lean one way or another?
Who did you admire growing up that you're now disappointed by?
Cabarrus County GOP Chair boasts of making local races partisan
I Want in on the Fun. '92 Senior Photo (17) and age 50 (2024).
Cabarrus County GOP Chair brags about making local politics partisan
Joining the Then & Now trend
The November Election That Still Hasn’t Been Certified
NC State Pensions in Trouble
State Pensions in Trouble
People who knew a killer, did you ever suspect they would do it? What happened?
We're doing pics? Me at 21 VS 51
LIVID and VENTING (read and scroll, trolls)
People of Reddit what older names will people not be using for quite a while?
Embarrassed by my class
Virginia Fox contact info
No one in my family noticed…
Later in life favourite authors
1 month update on Q
School House Rock
If You’re a Teacher on State Health Plan (or you love someone who is) Read This!
I don’t want to live in America anymore.
My short-lived "success" with Qsymia
This is Ariana. Next time. Don’t be like Ariana. If we get a next time that is.
Married GenXers: what was your “wedding song”?
People who knew celebrities before they made it big, who was it and what were they like?