Unpopular Opinion: Aang's Earthbending >>> Aang's Waterbending
People are forgetting these facts about Furina:
I never understood this part. How was Toph able to tell that Ty Lee and Mai weren’t the real Kyoshi Warriors?
Won 50/50 for the first time today need some help....
Adding Friends & Co-op Breeding - Jun 2023
Mega Venusaur on me! 0140 6017 6784
Ho-oh on us! 0140 6017 6784 and 1044 6297 8493
WB mega Medicham! 0140 6017 6784
Kyogre on me! 0140 6017 6784
Primal kyogre! 0140 6017 6784
Primal kyogre 0140 6017 6784
Groudon on me 0140 6017 6784
Primal groudon 0140 6017 6784
Primal Groudon 0140 6017 6784
Groudon 0140 6017 6784
Groudon on me! 0140 6017 6784
Mega Latias on me! 0140 6017 6784
Wb Mega Latias on me! 0140 6017 6784
Wb mega gardevoir on me. 0140 6017 6784