What's the biggest risk you've ever taken?
What is it about you that other people don't understand?
what would you say if you ran into the worst teacher you ever had today?
If you and your pet traded bodies for the day, what would your pet do?
What is something that you absolutely cannot stand the smell of?
Whats not safe for work but also not sexual?
TIL that Mr. Rogers’ mother knitted all his sweaters, including the famous red cardigan.
Salute Your Shorts (1991-1992)
TIL that in some cities, dying is forbidden.
Stephen Miller gets offended over SNL skit making fun of Trump
What Does Depression Feel Like To You??
What's something your mom actually WAS right about?
Americans of reddit how do you feel about your current reputation in world politics, Trump's Betrayal of Ukraine and his plans to ethnically cleanse gaza?
How do you get your boyfriend to be more physical and dominant with you?
What kind of genre do you go to when it comes to porn?
Corporate adults of Reddit, how do you mentally keep your mind off work after hours?
How often do you replace your toothbrush?
What do you think about a computer game where your character's fitness and abilities is based on your IRL fitness?
What movie you planning to watch?
Have you ever dodged death if so what happened?
How did people explained bluesky sprites before we knew cells and little protein particles existed?
What do you reckon Trump is hoping to achieve by threatening to annex Canada, Mexico, Greenland?
Totally Not Putin’s Puppet! Trump Speaks His ‘Own’ Mind on Ukraine
More than half of French people believe that Trump is a “dictator” - New Study
'Making us a joke': Elon Musk slammed on his app after insulting Poland foreign minister