Thoughts???, I made a spruce house using quartz, cherry and mangrove wood as walls. Rate it out of 10.
My world on Xbox reached 1005MB and now it won’t load. Is there a way to fix this? :(
LF: shiny PoGo stamped or competitive ready Pokemon from old games FT: every single EVENT pokemon with correct date, OT and ID (most of them are cloned from the original ones)
If you had to give up all your vape gear but one setup, what would you keep? And why?
LF: Shiny PoGo Darkrai, shiny PoGo Deoxys FT: shiny galarian birbs
Hi guys, i have some excess event pokemons Im offering to trade! What Im LF is in the description! (Read it closely)
Apologies to those who were making offers for my shiny Celebi, it’s no longer for trade. Too much anxiety. Might try again in a few days with more organised process
LF: list in the description FT: these
Hi guys! Im cleaning up my home account and these are all the legendaries I have in excess. I wanted to free them but it seems like a waste so Im offering them up for PoGo shinies. The ones from the first pic are a little but more valuables.
Just 3 left! Plz help!
Except for, you know, home stamped zeraora
Hi! I need these 3 Pokemon to complete the dex
Legitimate Thought process? Home Update in July?????
Hi guys, this is a strange offer. LF: competitive, Evsd and good IVs with competitive moves. FT: I have every single event pokemon, multiples of them (with the right OT, date and game they are from)
FT: Great Ball backpack code LF: Shiny Deoxys, possibly some pogo stamped mons
LF: shiny PoGo stamped or competitive ready Pokemon from old games FT: basically every single EVENT pokemon with correct date, OT and ID (most of them are cloned from the original ones) (pics to help you understand)
I only have 1 trade left. LF: any shiny from pogo FT: i have every single event pokemon with correct OT, ID and date, so ask for anything
Pokémon Home shinies
Pokemon Home just lost my living dex
LF: competitive ready Pokemon, more info in the description FT: almost every single Event Pokemon ever, with the correct date and OT/ID. Feel free to ask
LF: competitive ready pokemon in HOME (better from past games) FT: basically every event pokemon from 2000 to now, ill add some pics to give you an idea but Ive almost anything in 2x or more