Thoughts on subtle lines
Straight men, how often do you use the F slur?
Is it a dud? It's been 3 days no sprout, bulged a bit, bad smell on the tissue.
Can get oil change meter to reset
HEMI is back!
Emilio Macías, serious goring, Tlaxcala Mexico
Emilio Macías, cornada de gravedad en Tlaxcala
Curing question
People who live away from your families, how do you cope with the distance?
Worried about over and under watering. Soil always feels dry. Also is this still seedling stage? Only 2"-3" tall
1st Ram and my 1st Diesel. Towing question.
Would you consider this a fat bong rip?
First auto all done
Elder Xennial rant: why do I need a giant flatscreen on my car dash?
What’s a belief you had 5 years ago that has completely changed?
What are the best dlc’s in gaming history?
Why being white single mom with black kid is bad?
Men, how do you feel when women ask you for help whenever physical strength is required?
Exhaust recommendations?!
Drain-to-Waste Hydroponic System for Coco Coir in 4x4 Tent
Extreme pain
Am I Crazy?
Any other Xennial gamers for life? Whatcha playin’?
What do you think is much better high?
Xennials did you watch Seinfeld or Friends?