Found this today at my local record store.
Finally done backing up and purging 500+ discs from the last 20yr+ It might not be as exciting, but sometimes clean up and maintenance is as important as expansion. Writeup/thoughts below from longtime lurker/first time poster
Spineshank - Shinebox Live 09.07.2003 Philadelphia, PA
Rarest CD you have?
Seattle experience
Yo Momma Jokes
In The End
Don't have the CD anymore, but I do have this!
I Shot The Sydney Show :)
What are some creepy nu metal songs?
Happy Birthday Joe Hahn 48 ❤️🍰
Elder millennials, what were the 4 VHS tapes you owned and watched on repeat?
Watching Old Home Videos, Thought You Guys Would Appreciate How Ballin' I was.
"I was an 18/F/Cali"
What are you guys listening to today?
What would you steal from my collection?
Just look at us
Austin show notes from an old timer
So damn proud of SAT! We did this!
Got bought a record player for Christmas, new addiction started
Went through my parents collection and they let me keep these
I don't think I can cope with this
I called the geek squad
Are you planning on retiring at 60?