how do i snap ghost face out of his power? and how do i avoid being snapped out of the power? its very weird
Riot is gonna go bankrupt
Honor Demotion warning?
I fucking hate Atakhan
All you need to get challenger
How are you supposed to win games when your solo laners already start inting before minute 5?
Viego doesn't feel strong but is deemed broken. I'm conflicted
Low elo ADCs don’t realize they’re not tanks.
Senna is boring af in 2025
Do not underestimate the POWER of /mute all (from 1/6 to 12/6)
Adc main needs help on support climb
Bro said no to acting
I found an old screenshot of my AP Shaco back in 2012 ( The good old times when you can stack boxes )
Why does buying any gaming laptop feel like a gamble?
I have had team/all chat disabled for over 2 weeks but okay.
Is Origami Angel considered Pop Punk?
Claims assassins in jg are strong, lists out 5 bruisers
Do you guys learn A-click?
Im quitting DBD
What is up with the matchmaking lately?
Los Ratones i wrote it with love
How do I snowball a 3-camp invade?
Lets face it guys...
Micro stutters in LoL that gets fixed by disconnecting and then reconnecting
Does anyone else's wrist hurt when playing Viego?