Wow I was sleeping on this album💀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Do anyone know if this is his last tour?
Drop Your Top 5 Rod Wave Songs and I’ll Rate Your List /10
It's just not that bad, you're just not that young.
Name a album and I’ll tell you my favorite song
Name an song and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or notttt
how would you rank all of rod's albums in order
Type the first Rod lyric that comes to your mind and let others finish it
Whos bigger? Mario Judah or Rod Wave?
Only 5 positions in RTG Mode: QB, WR, RB, MLB, CB
Voodoo One 2024 vs. The Goods One Piece 2024
2024 Demarini Voodoo Issue
I’m so mad I beat Florida too
Which one
Bat stings like hell when I even hit a 60 mph pitch how do I fix