Question canonically what rite do I belong to?
My daughter is dating an older man and my wife doesn't think it's an issue
I’m nearly at the end of RCIA, but the process has been awful and really hurt my own relationship with God.
Advice for under eyes
10 Years Ago This Picture Caused Arguments All Over The World
People still holding tsla, why?
How Has Praying The Rosary Personally Helped You?
Should I break off the engagement if we have different timelines for marriage and kids?
I cannot wait to be with Christ
What’s a 'buy once, cry once' purchase that actually saved you money long-term?
Thoughts on Jews and Israel?
Do any of you support Latinization?
Easter mass Obligation
If he’s a service dog… I’m a monkey’s uncle
If you drink, when was your first drink after giving birth?
3 months post rhinoplasty update
I lost my mom 13 yrs ago, when I was 11. It's her birthday today. Painting by me.
Moms who had covid in early pregnancy - how’s your child doing?
Unaccompanied minor program
Do you think Covid stealing 3-4 years of our lives was particularly worse for millennials than other generations
3 Weeks Post Op Rhinoplasty
Alot of Millenials are running around claiming that we jumped from flip/brick phones directly into iPhones/Androids. Thats not true, there was a transition period that lasted years.
Commencement keffiyeh
What procedure should I get for a chin reduction?