Does Washington’s minimum wage put pressure on Idaho's border towns?
Experiencing and handling hatred towards Californians
Older Gen Z Starter Pack
Crawdad or crayfish catching?
DAE never ever pray
"The Male Loneliness Epidemic is a Self-Pitying Myth" is Bullshit – Here’s Why
Things that irritate you about Spokane
Am I the asshole? Yeah probably
DAE get super cranky or mean when you wake up
rate my past drip
Just… why…
This cake my grandma served me today
When someone says an extremely stupid and offensive take and get surprised that they got downvoted
DAE feel like genuinely dead inside
Why is bisexuality perceived differently between men and women?
DAE think way too many people view Trump as a king?
Why are people more inclined to talk to me if im with a girl?
You will be safe, loved, wanted.
Thank you to our incredible community members who stood up against misogyny, misandry, red-pilling, and sexism yesterday.
A man begging for his wife's forgiveness inside Divorce Court in Chicago, 1948
Background of all songs on Dream in Colour
Dutch Bros!