International meme exchange
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
Who makes you go like this
Take if u need
Music that makes you like this
Meme Trade. Take one, leave one.
Send me your last saved image
Lemme see y’all’s hardest image
Show me your last saved image and I'll decide if you'll knock on Heaven's door or not
Women of reddit, what hints have you gave your crush that they missed?
Tell me you’re favorite treyarch zombies map and I will tell you if you can come in the club or not
Name this animal, please
Dealing with a campy Duo in pubs >;3
That time I wouldn't let a child stroke my dog
I found the most popular person Travis scooter me ( omega_soul99) and my freind reshuttlesworth found this
[UPDATE] EG an EM make me attend schools in two different timezones.
Oh no! I think my kid doesn't have feelings.. Guess I'll just traumatise them!
Found my first Nessie 😊😊😊