Plastid farming
How much for David Bowie
You can check which Duviri Frame/Weapon rolls you have BEFORE you enter.
Hydroid Lua Thrax farm
Got hit with a 10 year ban after selling a Rank 5 Arcane Energize yesterday.
Mars junction problem
Riven mod I do not want
Mastery Rank seemingly stuck at Rank 3.
I have a SOH LID(I)Adversary (don't punch me...)
for how much would you sell a lotus kubrow and prime panzer?
Im trying to make an acount but it said log in check your info i need help now
I think I just cheesed a mastery rank test
Question regarding buying platinum
Hate speech in game voice chat is a problem
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined
Can someone please trade me sevagoth prime bp
Kuva lich pricing
I never want to see a jade eximus after this event ever again.
Riven Challenge Difficulty: EXTREME!!!
Is there a way to get the twitch drops after the dev stream?
Does anyone know what this account is or how it's made? Looks a little too well done to be a simple hacker or exploiter...
Anybody wanna do a dragon key vault?
Riven value question.
Purchased Lavos prime but didn't get anything