Man makes a homemade keychain
The process of creating the most amazing piece of furniture ever
How did he even do that?
How much money do you need if you want to go to AVN and still have a good time?
Bulldog tries to protect Leonardo DiCaprio from a bear attack
Halloween keychains
Arcade Gaming Keychain
Guitar Pick Keychain
Tick head Keychain
Notch Keychain
Keychain Haul!
r/Keychain is back from dead, welcoming everyone to post their unique keychains here
Some drugstores in the Czech Republic introduced shampoo and shower gel filling machines. Customers can refill their empty bottles with various products so they don't have to buy a new one everytime
Say hello to America's newest National Park, New River Gorge National Park, WV!
Requesting /r/russiangirls - sub banned due to being unmoderated
Firefighter Water Shield Training
A statue of Yasuke, an African slave, who arrived in Japan in 1579 and became the first black Samurai
During the 2018 wildfires, this man captured his drive to work in the morning
20 years ago, someone impaled a 60 pound pumpkin on the top of a spire at Cornell University in the middle of the night. It was over 170 feet off the ground. To this day, no one is really sure how this was accomplished without anyone noticing.