Didn't know ballistic missiles could target ships
Is moral trend rising good
Which console do you think is more aesthetically pleasing
How do I beat this one?
Am i doing good?
Failed to Deploy Ground Forces?
Looking for a breach and clear game
What’s your friends gc named
What’s your favorite weapon across the whole series?
Why didn’t the German and American soldier shoot each other?
Watching the secret level episode
Whats a game where your a superhero or villain and you can do whatever you want?
What is the most mid unit in your opinion?
How long do you (usually) take in the shower?
Be fr how often do you take showers?
How do I turn this one off? End of the dead money dlc
So everyone pisses in the shower right?
Can I save the BoS if I haven’t started their quest?
you can actually kill Joshua before honest hearts ends
Who is y’all’s favorite GenZ rapper
Do you like being a guy?would you change your gender if you could?why or why not
Do you like girls who play the same video games as you?
Is it good if my sister and girlfriend get along?
Would you stay with your girl if she was infertile?
why are guys so obsessed with boobs??