My IUD is expiring and i’m too scared to get it removed.
What are some of the funniest / weirdest pet names you’ve seen?
I’m so in love with my Valentine’s Day nails inspired by chocolate covered strawberries 🍓💝🍫
What food would you eat everyday if you could?
I just noticed theese black spots on my male crested geckos tail. He is about 2 years old, more or less. Are the spots normal? Or are they something that I should worry about, such as fungus or a disease. Thank you.
nothing like makeup therapy after a stressful week 🥰
What do you think of my gecko?
releasing the toe beans
Make the comments look like this guy's search history
I work at an animal sanctuary ~ trying some new enrichment toys with sue sue! Pigs are so incredibly intelligent and intuitive 🐷💕
Love his silly little expression
Rafael is quite content just lounging on someone's finger
This is what a stingray skeleton looks like
i cried laughing at this dude flinging himself into the abyss
Fired the heck up (Normal color on last pic)
How could you not love their cute little thoughtless faces •~•
I took this pic of Phoenix to send to my family, but my aunt said he was “scary af.” I personally think he looks like a model!
I love my gekos🤣🤣🤣
Cant find these exact symptoms anywhere :(
Our sweet little Avocado.
You mean some people can just clean their kitchen and it only takes them 30 minutes and no agonizing mental pain?
... I just put that there 😑
getting my skin picking under contro starting Jan 9. i dont stop even when it's painful and im sick of myself. i dont get to colour in when i've been picking, but if i remember to stop and i go the rest of the day without picking i get to fill in the box
Snoozin 😍