Dumbest reason you had a panic attack?
Are Pisces men cheap?
Is it worth for me to taper or just quit cold turkey?
How do I get a “job” after being a tarot reader for years
Should I switch to Valium or stay on Clonazepam.
Which sun and moon sign is this 🙈
How do you do it? What stops you from taking more ?
How is being on Gabapentin long term?
Does heat/bright sunlight trigger you?
Is my subconscious telling me something? (Getting over my fears)
Relapsed after 6months
Does the brain fog ever go away?
Are you officially diagnosed?
I’m a [astro sign] that’s why I’m…
I have regressed after 5 years of healing
Does anyone else hold onto the “Oh Shit Handle” while riding in the car as a passenger?
How long have you been Agoraphobia
Do yall also feel like a part of you died in the trauma
Been taking gabapentin since I was 15
Have you ever dated your own sign? Let’s talk about that mistake ☕️
who has the right of way in this situation?
39yr old Female looking for apartment
How much really is 100k followers?
Liked a tiktok, unliked, deactivated my account, will they know? 😭