What are some poems that gave you a new perspective on something?
Anyone having issues right now?
Laura Winter’s Instagram story in Response to Helmut Marko saying Isack Hadjar crying after his spin was "a bit embarassing." - There is absolutely no place for this attitude in sport. A young man expressing emotion, especially in the heat of the moment, is never embarrassing.
Losing against someone who played like trash.
Woke up to something really bizarre this morning.
Above average intelligence, but b- student.
Man tries to flee after causing a crash, and he instantly regrets it
The slow descent
In 1940, as part of "protecting them from fascism", Stalin signed the order to murder 22,000 Polish officers in Katyn. Like our recent crimes, they blamed nazis. This is Stalin writing "approved" on their death warrant.
[TOMT] Those things that you can put eggs into, that basically replace the shell so you can boil them without having to peel the egg.
He proposed to his girlfriend with the help of the caricature artist who had drawn them a couple of times over the years.
Lots of love for Keith Brymer Jones but what was happening here
TIL that dogs and other canines get stuck together for 5-20 minutes during the mating process. The first time a dog mates, they are often surprised by this and show signs of distress, trying to pull away or run.
Audience Member Doesn’t Understand Comedy
An octopus protects itself against somebody messing with it.
Season 7, and especially the last episode, is incredibly stupid.
If you're in a clearly losing (but not yet lost) position, and your opponent offers you a draw, would you accept? Why/why not?
How to I get better and rook and minor piece endgames where I'm up a bunch of pawns?
Such a Beautiful Ending
The End
Coworker thought my mug warmer was a charger
Animals do have emotions
What is this weird 3.d5, 4.Nd4 thing I keep seeing in the italian recently?
So apparently now you can get warned for upvoting stuff. Crazy.
Warning users that upvote violent content
One second while I look for the key.
HMC while I look for the key.