Why me ?
How do I get over the fact that he left me and is now possibly with someone else?
Will these shoes go with this dress?
What’s the worst thing a partner/ex said to you?
I can’t shake my anger and hate towards him.
If you could take a pill and forget about them, would you?
Did you find someone who made you forget your ex?
Would you date someone who has a child, if she/he would be a perfect fit?
Question for women - how would you like to be "chased"?
When it comes to previous partners or people you went you went on a date with, what were some things about them that you personally found to be a bit off-putting?
How long does it take before you you're over your ex?
For those who thought they wanted a long term romantic relationship, what did you actually want deep down?
Does anyone struggle finding partners who are on a similar level to you both emotionally and sexually?
Is 19 and 29 an okay age gap or will I fall victim to SOME kinda manipulation?
Fellow hopeless romantics, how are you managing it?
Are under-25’s interested in serious relationships?
Acting like you’re in a relationship just to leave when it gets serious is shady asf.
Feels like there’s a black hole in my chest
Dating as a anxious attachmed girl
I will say it, over and over, until I'm foaming at the mouth -_-
modern dating sucks
Struggling to resist texting your ex? Drop in the comments what you wish you could say to them!!!!!!