How cooked are you?
All green members have pathetic deaths.
I want dragon riders in HOTD have devices like these to protect their eyes from the sun
Tell me your favorite DBZ/DBS saga
easiest way to recreate this?
He won't be fighting anymore...
New Funkos arriving
Rhaegar out here gatekeeping his beautiful face lmao
Agree or disagree?
Which of Narakus incarnations was your favorite?
Dragon Ball GT most wanted figures
I regret nothing
New to posing think they look good?
My first figuarts!
Does anyone think his body look weird or is this normal?
what is your dream fan cast?
Older style battle armor Vegeta
Base Goku
is this picture canon?
Rhaegar NOooooo!!!!
Yeah shure... whatever you're into lil bro.
Who do you think Aegon III is the heir to?
What dragon ball character or form do you want as an official sh figuarts releases?
Favorite Targaryen dragon? Me first...
Jack Sparrow looks great.