I am not gay but..
Why don't we have a single universal screwdriver?
What city has the highest population excluding the "metro area"?
What materials could be inside of Asteroids that could make them worth trillions?
What song feels like this?
Why is it that when a bunch of people sing different notes that would sound horrible on an instrument like the piano, it doesn't sound nearly as bad?
Druski's response to the Diddy case
Do close girl friends act lesbian toward each other as a joke like boy friends sometimes act gay toward each other as a joke?
Druski has been listed in the Diddy case.
Coaxed into Inefficiency
IIL songs like Stargazing and Highest in the Room by Travis Scott or Take me Back by Erasure, songs that feel like Outer Space, Kaleidoscopic (if that makes sense), psychedelic, etc. WEWIL?
What songs feel like Outer Space, Kaleidoscopic (if that makes sense), psychedelic, etc. Some songs that feel like this are Stargazing and Highest in the Room by Travis Scott or Take me Back by Erasure
Why do some word combinations just sound so good/cool? For example, Travis Scott's Album, Birds in the Trap, just sounds so good (the words I mean, the album is no where near his other work). Why is this?
Do the Bloods have a dance like the Crips do?
JD named his right ball Trump, and his left ball _____
Can someone explain to me how/why/when the average ratings for each rarity increases throughout the season? Thanks
How does the brain remember that I forgot, but can't remember what I forgot?
Love how nobody gives af that Cardi B hasn’t dropped for 7 years 😭
We really just be handin' out 10s huh
Are all football coaches just creepy horn dogs?
Cut my life into pieces, this is my last _____!
I have not been depressed in over 5 years, and I thought things were getting better, but I just sort of suddenly want it all to end. What's 9+10?