Are we all out here eating our toddlers unfinished food?
Please tell me we're not the only ones
Please dig the poop out of my kids diaper and reuse it
Is it okay give my son (2 years, 9 months) a multivitamin that says 3-12 years?
Worried about someone calling CPS, not worried that her child could have been snatched by someone. Nearly all the comments are positive and encouraging.
Parent comment “some people shouldn’t have kids” as a response to a mom asking if anyone has used melatonin for kids on plane
Do I have to file a 1099 from Robinhood even if my dividend is just 3¢?
Having a baby without insurance
I got my son all these services through the state and schools, fortunately President Bush put “no left no kid left behind” an act to help kids with special needs.
Anyone else getting this glitch?
What should you NOT tell a postpartum mom?? I’ll start…
Well I hope you get the humor...
What was your favorite age?
So bittersweet watching your youngest start to pass milestones your older child hasn't met
Actually no, babies didn't die. They just died because their parents weren't watching
I am begging these women
Holding a toddler while pregnant
Did you lose weight while breastfeeding?
Is it really broken? My local store installed this about 2 years ago. I think its only worked 3 months max and not all at once.
Having "time off" and doing drugs is okay
What’s your “bad” parent confession?
What do you want for Christmas?
My baby won't drown because I have working ears
How much sleep are you getting per night and how old is your LO?