AITAH for refusing to take my nephew to Disneyland after my sister called it “a waste of money” for my own kids?
The family got bored of Sunday roast, decided to change it up a bit
Guys is this a tick
WIBTA if I pile dirty dishes to teach my cleaning lady a lesson?
AITA for refusing to babysit my half-siblings and telling my dad I‘m not his „backup mom“?
Any stoners out there who cringe at weed culture and the people around it?
I recently had a post removed from a pot subreddit because the moderators deemed it to be a “low effort” post. No shit, man. We’re stoners. 😂
Does a bad pronunciation count? Classmate got annoyed at me for pronouncing her name wrong.
I have two uvulas
How common is stone over?
Can a store take me to court for their mistake?
Please clean after yourself at the gym😭🙄
I just had a weed-gasm
My tarantula isn’t eating or moving, is this normal?
AITA Did I make the wrong choice?
Percolator not getting cleaned
Bacon bap from Sainsbury’s hot counter
AITA for not taking the fall for a coworker, so they can keep their job?
What is it
Xmas three thieves
From a Scott's lass and her Irish Husband.
From a Scots woman with an Irish Husband.
AITA for calling off hosting SIL's wedding and breaking up with him over what he said about our own potential wedding?
what species is daisy